Sunday, August 12, 2012

You get what you get and don't pitch a fit.

Poof! Like that, summer is over. How did that happen?! I think that every year of my life gets faster and faster.
This summer has been such an awesome adventure! Honestly, I was a little bummed at the beginning of the summer because I was all "I've never worked during the summer before! Everyone else is on vacation without me!". But little did I know I would eat those words, all of them, in a delicious stew of wrong. I had so many adventures this summer that to even think back to my whiny-ness is overwhelmingly embarrassing. ( I am only telling you about it to make a point). This summer I:

Went to Colorado for International Youth Convention! Saw Rocky Mountain National Park, Elk, a marmot, and even a bear!
Went to the beach for a week with Josh's parents!

Then we came home to our 5 week old Goldendoodle Puppies!!!!

Another thing that Josh and I have been working on this summer is getting the house together. Yesterday we bought a rustic farmhouse style dining room table and matching buffet. We got such a wonderful deal!! We added a bench that J made and our old chairs to the table. Josh also got a rustic coffee table that fits perfect in our living room! I hope to show off our new decor in another post soon.

My old digital camera does not do this awesome bench justice!

So, needless to say I was complaining about nothing, because my summer has been so incredible!  I am so blessed and completely lose sight of that way too often. I hope that you do not complain or worry about the season to come. I know it can be far too easy to compare your life to those around you, but chances are they are trying their hardest to put on their best face. So, my challenge to myself and to you is to rejoice in this life and know that it is so temporary. I recently read Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist and she wrote "when life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow." So, here I am saying thank you and looking to celebrate this wonderful season.

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