Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Don't Throw Away Your Christmas Cards...

In the whirlwind that is my year, Christmas has come and gone. I cannot believe how incredibly fast life is moving these days. I remember as a kid thinking that the days would drag on and that I would never grow up, but here I am no longer a kid wondering where those days went. I promise not to get too nostalgic in this post, but there is something about Christmas time that makes me reminisce. Christmas morning at home, where I would squirm at 4am wondering when I could get out of bed and finally at 7 giving in to my excitement. My brothers and I would sit at the top of the stairs and wait for my dad to get the video camera. He would film us going down the stairs and get a good shot of our excitement as we saw what lay under the tree.
I don't get as excited about the gifts on Christmas morning as I used to, but let's be honest, I still really love tearing into a beautifully wrapped present!
My parents have taught me many Christmas traditions that I hope to teach Judah, but one of my favorites has already made it to my dining room table.
Every Christmas when my mom recieved Christmas cards she would hang them up in a beautiful display. This is pretty typical, most families show off their cards in some way. But, what happens after the new year begins... We start cleaning, working out, and eating better. Somewhere in that hustle and bustle the cards make their way to the trash. My mom had a different idea. Every year after Christmas she would save the cards and put them in a napkin holder on our dining room table. She would separate the cards, taking the beautiful front designs off and use them for gift tags for the next Christmas and then take the signiture side and keep it. Every time we ate together at the table we chose one card and prayed for the family that sent it. We've had some fun experiences as children trying to read adult signitures (we still pray for the Jones "Fanny" sometimes). This sweet tradition has made it to my table.

Josh and I started doing this right after we got married with the cards we had be given and after those cards ran out we started with Christmas cards. I love seeing the sweet handwritten notes again and having a specific family to pray for each night. I strongly encourage you to do this with your family! This years pile is a little bigger because I added some baby shower cards. 
"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy," -Philippians1:3-4
Here is a recap of my Christmas Extravaganza...
Mugs that parents got for Christmas!
#FlashbackFriday to the Williams bunch many Christmases ago!
my 32 week bump
Josh and I having fun in the church Christmas photo booth:)
My annual batch of pudding cookies. This recipe makes the most moist cookies! Seriously, they will taste fresh after 2 weeks. 
My living room finally decorated.

Last, but certainly not least, Jewel the wonder dog, sitting pretty in front of our Christmas tree. 
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Love to you!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Home sweet home

In the past 4 months we have lived in 4 different places. First, our home in Birmingham then a short stay at my parents house then to a rental in Ohio and finally, our new home.
We are so thrilled to have found such a nice house right in the town where Josh works. When we looked at this house I wasn't so sure it was the place for us, but after a lot of paint, cleaning, and help from friends we were able to move in! 
Our work was definitely cut out for us. 
Our room 
Grandma room

Living room 

Yes, those are roosters. 

Some new appliances and sadly, the roosters have flown the coop. We plan on painting the cabinets, but didn't have enough time to get to it. We did get to rip up some pretty heinous carpet and guess what was underneath... Hardwood floors!  

We moved in on Saturday with the help of some strong men from the church and Josh's family. I'm still not used to this crazy weather, it actually started snowing while we were moving in. 
I have learned a lot from this move, hopefully soon I'll share some moving tid bits I have picked up and a post pictures of our rooms once they're decorated. 
I'm really excited to show off Judah's nursery !! We're getting closer and closer to DDay. T minus 80 days! 
I hope everyone is enjoying Thanksgiving and getting to spend some time with family. 
Love, Emily  

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Buckeye Life

Happy fall everyone! This past week, Josh and I said goodbye to Alabama and hello to the frigid temperatures of northeast Ohio! I know that the Lord calls us to go and do things for His glory that will make us uncomfortable. So, here we are in Ohio, where it is cold…very cold. But in all of God's grace the weather has been about the only discomfort I've experienced. The warmth of the people has certainly made up for the chill. Our church family has welcomed us so sweetly and really speaks my love language.
Our last sunday at Riverchase was such a sweet, yet sad time. Josh and I were so blessed by the love we were shown. We had a luncheon/baby shower and got a chance to say our good-byes.

Our wonderful friend Michele made a collage of Josh's time at the church! This was such a creative and meaningful 'going-away' gift.

Tears, Tears, Tears…When it comes to saying any kind of goodbyes I'm a big ole baby.

After what seemed like an eternity of packing and wrestling with the Uhaul we set off to Josh's parent's house and then to our new town!
Jewel got to spend time with one of her puppies! The wonderful and sweet Golden doodle, Max! Check out Deeter's Doodles if you're interested in having a doodle of your own. 

This is the stash of home supplies that our thoughtful CWC had prepared for us on Sunday morning. Of course, I cried.
After a Sunday morning full of reconnecting with everyone from the church, Josh teaching, and spending time with Josh's parents we found a quiet place for the perfect fall hike. Despite the cold, Ohio is beautiful! The trees have changed in a way that I'm not used to. The colors are unbelievable and no picture does it justice. 

Jewel, the queen, is pretty playful and frisky in this brisk fall air!
Belly Watch 2013…Here is my 22 week prego-picture. I've been doing these "Belly-updates" every other week since week 8. I plan to post them all when little Judah arrives.

I hope everyone is enjoying the fall air, eating lots of soup and drinking plenty of Salted Caramel Mochas ( If you're into that sort of thing). I'm sending lots of virtual hugs and kisses to my Alabama loves!
lovelovelove, Emily

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall wreath party

Since it is my last week in Alabama, I am trying to see everyone before Josh and I move to Ohio! Ahh! (Insert "Home Alone" face slap here). So, part of my Monday consisted of a wonderful and cheery Fall wreath making party. I got together with 3 friends (all teachers) and we had a delicious dinner and then got to work. I scoured Pintrest for inspiration, and this is what I found...

Etsy shop: theembellishedhome

Etsy shop: twoinspireyou 

So, after a fun trip to Hobby Lobby we came out with these: 

Now everyone has fun and festive Fall wreaths! I highly suggest a crafting party. This is great way to get know new people and reconnect with old friends. I will keep you updated on the move and all that comes with that....
Happy Fall Y'all. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Update and Gender Reveal Party

Hello Friends!  It certainly has been quite some time since I've written in my blog, but you know how life is... If I have time to blog then I probably don't have anything to blog about! Oh, the great paradox of life.

To catch you up on current events...

This year has been extremely challenging in many ways. This past February, Josh and I found out we were expected a sweet baby! We were absolutely thrilled and couldn't wait to tell our family. At our first Dr's appointment everything seemed fine, so Easter weekend we decided to tell our family and church family. But, life is sometimes cruel and does not make sense and at our ten week check up we found out that baby did not have a heartbeat. I cannot explain the ways that my heart broke with the loss of that little one. I think a part of me will forever be with that baby and I know in God's amazing grace that we will get to see that child, fully grown in perfection in eternity. In January God gave me a verse for the year, Romans 12:12 " Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer." This verse was mor fitting for my year than I realized. Praise God, He is good and walked us through the worst experience of our lives. After this happened I was shocked to hear about so many other women close to me that had lost babies. It is like this club that you become a part of against your will and the only way to be okay is to realize that so many others have faced this and are fully functioning humans with other children and good relationships. Thank you to all my family, friends, and others who brought food, said prayers and gave words of life.

In honor of our little one we planted a Dogwood tree in my parent's yard and had a small memorial ceremony, nothing fancy, but certainly good for my spirit. During that time I read as much literature on miscarriage and scripture as I could. Reading definitely brought me answers and peace that I prayed for. If you ever do go through this I am sorry, it sucks, and it is not fair. No words spoken by another person can make you feel better , only the voice of God can bring peace to that kind of brokenness.  And if you encounter someone who is coping with this please be careful with your words. I had so many people tell me that they were praying for me, which was wonderful to hear, but then also had people try to explain to me that it was God's will and so on, this does not help. As a believer, I know that the Lord is all-knowing and that He is outside of time, but when someone is grieving this will not help regardless of how true it is. This is not your time to shed spiritual theology on them, but rather the time for you to take them food and tell them that you love them.

My favorite part of the story...
After 3 months of waiting we found out on a wonderful Friday morning that we were expecting again! I spent the next 10 weeks holding my breath and praying. At my 6 week appointment Josh and I saw a little baby and were amazed at the little fluttering heartbeat and then at my ten week appointment I heard the heartbeat. Music to my ears!!!
I was convinced that I was carrying a girl because of my "womanly intuition". I love it!
So fast forward to week 14 when we spread the news that we were expecting again! I let my Golden Retriever Jewel do the hard work...I'm a little partial but she is the most beautiful dog!

Of course, Josh and I could not wait to find out who was in my belly..girl or boy??! My wonderful sister-in-law Courtney threw us a Gender Reveal Party. The theme was "Guess Whooo", an adorable pink and blue owl party (in honor of my love for owls). 

Courtney got the cake from Fultondale Bakery with the secret inside color...

Everyone dressed to show who they think Baby Deeter will be...my Father-in-Law and Brother-in-Law took it a little too far...

My mom and I racked our brains to think of all the pink and blue food we could. There was a pretty impressive spread.

We served my dad's wonderful "Fried Chicken Salad", I'll have to post the recipe later!

Sandwiches/crackers and a pink and blue cheeseball that my grandmother made!

Some of our pink and blue... cotton candy, jelly beans, sour straws, marshmallows, and pretzel sticks dipped in white chocolate with sprinkles.

All of the appropriate colored fruit we could find: Strawberries, (blue) grapes, raspberries, blueberries and watermelon.

Josh and I found out the gender of our baby the Thursday before the party so we each chose a color so we didn't give it away!
We had about 60 guests show up to the party!! So, for the final cutting of the cake we crammed everyone into my parent's kitchen and I cut the giant cake. There were 3 different Skype calls going on for out of town friends who wanted to know. The anticipation was unbelievable! 

Surprise! It's a BOY!!! Little Judah Michael Deeter will be here in February.

Here I am at 20 weeks, it is unbelievable how much my belly has grown in just 2 weeks! 
Now that we know what we're having it is so hard not to buy all of the boy clothes I see! Next things next the big move. I'll keep you updated with all of my northern winter adventures to come.
Love to all,