Friday, May 4, 2012

Third blogs a charm

As I come to this point in the day where I am sitting at my computer barely able to create a comprehensible thought I am overcome by a feeling of complete satisfaction. That kind of relief that you only feel after having had a full day where you worked hard and all you can do is sit. Actually, at this point I think sitting is even exhausting. I digress, here's to the end of the day, may it be deliriously pleasant.
Let me explain myself, I'll start at the very's a very good place to start. Well, not the actual beginning, my blog's beginning. (A very different birth from my own...) I began my blog todavia aqui last year and after blogging my heart out I have been unable to return to that same blog. I think it has something to do with changing my last name... thank you Joshua Deeter. And after a failed attempt to master wordpress here I am. Back to square one, well actually blog #3.
This week's project is a craft gift for my mentor girls! I'm so excited to tell them how loved they are and for them to find out that I am their SECRET MENTOR!! I can't wait to start meeting with these awesome ladies! Yay! well, I have much more pictures after the weekend! Love each other!
Hello there. I'm sweaty and blogging, how are you?

Card #1 "You are Loved" , printed this and glued to cardstock.
Inside I wrote Psalm 139:13-14 "For I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Then it says that whenever they look in the mirror to remember that : "You are Beautiful"
Bought $.97 chalkboard from walmart and then modpodged this verse onto it!
I bought two mirrors from the dollar tree and glued fabric to the edges with Tacky Glue and then of course had to add buttons!
button detail on the frame!
Frame #2
Card #2
Card #2 Inside
So easy and fun to make!

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