Thursday, May 10, 2012

Love & Marriage

I have only been married for 9 months. This is a very short time in the grand scheme of things, but I do feel like I have learned so much in this seemingly short period. I always knew I would love being married and then I met Josh and realized that I was made to be married to him. Praise Jesus that He picks out the perfect sanctifiers (aka spouses). After going to my brother's wedding this weekend I was so overcome with praise for my Savior. It is amazing how the Lord can create two people so differently and bring them together. I love my husband and I cannot believe that I get to be the wife! I get to be the one who wants to talk when he's ready to go to bed and the one who bakes the cookies and the one who he kisses goodbye and hello and I get to say "hey! That's my husband!" to all those ladies at the gym who eye him in between pushups(i see you!).

This pretty much sums it up.

Anyway, I say all of this to say Joshua Deeter you rock and I was super blessed by my brother's wedding. He married such a beautiful and wonderful woman of God who treats others so well and has the best taste of anyone I know. Here's a little bit of their wedding.
These are my awesome brothers: Patrick & Nate (Groom) at the rehearsal dinner.

They really love each other.

Courtney, the beautiful bride.

Me and the Hubs (Josh), such a stud :)

I know, I teared up when I saw her.

My brother is one lucky man.

All the bridesmaids rocking the yellow.

My precious mama. 
It took an act of congress to get this picture, but we finally did! So glad to have a bigger family now! Yay Courtney Williams!!! So, this was a wonderful/busy weekend, because I also graduated college.. no big deal :) I hope to post about that and all that it entails soon, but for now I am looking forward to Mother's Day and more weddings! Don't forget to love on each other. love, emily

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